Content: New functions for obtaining article data
We are working hard to improve our services and have integrated several new functions into the nmedia.hub in recent months. We would like to introduce these functions to you today.
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New Content Service in nmedia.hub
Make your content acquisition processes even more effective: with the help of our new content management tools in the platform! In the following, we would like to give you an overview of our new content service in the nmedia.hub.
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New navigation structure – intuitive and simple!
In addition to our order services, we are increasingly expanding our content and drop shipping areas for you. To further optimize navigation on our platform for you, we are introducing a new menu structure today.
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3 tips for efficient and effective order management
Save time and manual effort in your order management. To do so, use our helpful tools that will save you time, especially in view of the Christmas business and over the turn of the year.
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Order shops with a new and improved look
We have optimized the brands’ order stores for you: For more clarity and efficiency in the ordering process. In the following article, we give you a brief overview of the innovations.
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Nextrade becomes nmedia.hub
nmedia connects EDI orders with online orders from the order and content platform nmedia.hub (formerly Nextrade). With nmedia, we lower the inhibition thresholds for the industry and facilitate the entry into digital business processes: Solution-oriented, innovative and always close to the industry.
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